Jason I think it is important to consider that you are operating your AS 7922 to serve a global Internet. In US, there is not a lot of choke because all the big Internet property - Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon - pay toll to reach Comcast Broadband customer. If they do not pay u, there is not a competitive provider to pay. The routes to Comcast from "peers" are very congested. If u don't pay Comcast, you get sent over throttled Tata link... how is that "open" internet? In my home country, the routes to Comcast are poor bc dominant provider, AS 6453 Tata, is vendor Comcast refuses to upgrade so it can play games. Thank u again for helping provide information, but pls try to keep it accurate. Regards- Arvinder Singh
On 5/15/14, 12:43 PM, "Nick B" <nick@pelagiris.org> wrote:
Yes, you've got "some of the largest Internet companies as customers². Because you told them "if you don't pay us, we'll throttle you". Then you throttled them. I'm sorry, not a winning argument. Nick
That is categorically untrue, however nice a soundbite it may be. If you or anyone else truly believes we are throttling someone then I encourage you to file a formal complaint with the FCC. According to their Open Internet rules that we are bound to through at least 2018 (IIRC) we may not discriminate on traffic in that way, so there is a clear rule and a clear process for complaints.