All very true. And of course my comments eariler were purely hypothetical in nature. Mark ----- Original Message ----- From: Steve Carter <scarter@pobox.com> To: Steve Sobol <sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net> Cc: Majdi S. Abbas <msa@samurai.sfo.dead-dog.com>; Mark Tripod <mark@exodus.net>; <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 10:22 PM Subject: Re: GC/Exds deal -- How would it work?
Mark Tripod wrote:
Well if Exodus can support it's current Data Centers on its backbone, I find it hard to believe that adding the seven that GC has now would make much of an impact.
A most excellent joke ... a rib tickler no less ...
"Majdi S. Abbas" wrote:
It's also worth noting that it's going to be easier for them to push enough traffic to justify more peering after such a merger, and additional transit arrangements can easily be made during the transition period. Acquisitions like this happen and these issues are resolved all the time.
If you're confusing peering with transit then excuse me, but by purchasing another hosting business and, therefore, adding to EXDS's already terrible outbound vs inbound traffic ratios it will make obtaining good non-settlement peering even more difficult. A bunch (meaning: most of) the big backbones have peering guidelines regarding what a potential peers ratios must be to qualify. Like in the (out:in) 2:1 or 3:1 range.
"Steve Sobol" wrote:
[warning: non-operational question follows]
Are they selling off Frontier Long Distance too?
I believe the announcement was just about the GBLX LEC business and nothing definitive about anything else.