In message <CAM3TTh30V-ibKhSYpCAENuJO_WwS= udtn6T1O+Cv-nh6JbZdVA@mail.gmail.com> Dovid Bender <dovid@telecurve.com wrote:
I know that in Israel the cyber dept of the government scans IL IP space then notifies ISP's to notify their clients. This helps where you have clueless people that don't know they have devices that can easily be compromised.
That's most interesting and I certainly did not know that.
Do you have confidence that such scanning is limited to Israeli IP addresses?
Not at all. I think it's obvious that every nation state "pokes around"
On Sun, Jun 19, 2022 at 8:01 AM Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote: the internet.
Are there any private firms that you are aware of in Israel that engage in such scanning also?
I don't know who is doing it. I just know that IL Cert contacted our parent company which has an ISP in Israel when things were "hot".