(And I was serious, not sarcastic, about the 'blazer. YMMV,)
Martin, That's OK, I never got work for a router vendor after that, a solution that I've now completeley generalized, having discovered a trivial but obscure and beautiful technique, as any good mathematician must. However, since I was most of the QA for the NetBlazer, and whiled away my paid hours with making tcl/tk scripts to irritate units under test, which was somewhat novel in 1991, silly stuff like bringing up and tearing down a connection all night long to prove the existance of a memory leak, and networks to prove the function of rip, I'm curious what part of the NetBlazer was a piece of shit? In this period of time, the White Knights built the InterOp shownets and we had comparative access to quite a lot of vendor product, and know that the red buttons on Wellfleets were correctly positioned on the front, for easy access. We used NetBlazers for dial-up outbound (we were topologically quite diverse by '91, our last show in the San Jose facility) and I don't recall anything ... resembling the behavior that I could characterize as POS like function. Data please, but off-list. Bill will be interested too I expect. Eric