Simon, That is correct in most cases. Fabs are changing and the time needed to manufacture is limited and most vendors are opt’ing to EoL/EoS gear early to move to newer tech and cannot risk the time to manufacture older silicon and spares that could be used for newer silicon. On Fri, May 20, 2022, at 07:44, Simon Lockhart wrote:
On Fri May 20, 2022 at 10:15:14am +0200, Mark Tinka wrote:
We suddenly got told that they are now EoS/EoL some time back (I probably should have done a better job tracking this, but I tend to rely on vendor notifications for that based on my Cisco/Juniper experience).
I've heard that some vendors are prematurely EoS/EoL'ing kit as a result of the silicon shortages - and redesigning kit to use silicon that's easier to get hold of.
---- Jason