Shane Ronan
Other 5G benefits: Beam forming, network slicing, reduced latency and support for UE desification, just to name a few.
Mildly funny thing: I just spent ten minutes trying to figure out what "desification" was, before realising it was "densification" misspelled. Was not helped by Google insisting I must have meant "desertification", the fact that it's a really common misspelling, and the fact that "desification" does actually mean something... Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 8D08 9CAA 649A AFEF E862 062A 2E97 42D4 A2A0 616D Old fingerprint: A0CD 28F0 10BE FC21 C57C 67C1 19A6 83A4 9B0B 1D75