On October 1, 1998 at 14:46 ssprunk@cisco.com (Stephen Sprunk) wrote:
Considering that the Last-Modified time on the Tongan consulate page is May 20, 1998, I'd bet that it was a server configuration error that has been corrected in the last 24 hours. The images on that page don't look like they were thrown together in response to your allegations, IMO.
No, but the pointer (link) to the page may have been changed. I'm not shocked that the page contents have existed for a while, they just weren't visible via the consulate's address. Although what you say is possibly true your reasoning borders on nonsense. The page could be years old, but wasn't being pointed to as the main page to load. What's your interest in running such a stretch of reasoning anyhow? No one claiming to be involved in the actual management of the page has commented either way, thus far. Isn't the more obvious explanation that someone changed the links in the past few hours, as others have observed? Why the contortions to suggest otherwise?
It has already been stated that the sfconsulate.gov.to is located at Best's server colocation facilities, which means it's probably on the same box as many other web servers. Such servers often have config problems, and that was probably brought to the attention of the folks at Best.
I smell no fish.
Sometimes even your best friends won't tell you...
Barry Shein wrote:
Apparently it's been changed in the past 24 hours, probably as a result of this discussion.
I'm sure others here checked it out and found what I found, ads for a software company, you're the first one to report otherwise (and yes right now it does seem to suddenly say something about Tonga.)
I smell something fishy going on here.
-- | | Stephen Sprunk, KD5DWP, CCIE #3723 :|: :|: NSA, Network Consulting Engineer :|||: :|||: 14875 Landmark Blvd #400; Dallas, TX .:|||||||:..:|||||||:. Pager: 800-365-4578 / 800-901-6078 C I S C O S Y S T E M S Email: ssprunk@cisco.com