The e-mail states it was sent to the specific e-mail address because it was listed as the contact in WHOIS. Although you can opt-out from these notices I believe as part of the DNS Changer case the court ordered the FBI to notify ISPs. On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 10:39 AM, John Peach <john-nanog@johnpeach.com>wrote:
On Sat, 28 Jan 2012 16:30:47 +0000 bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Randy Epstein <nanog@hostleasing.net> wrote:
[snip] I missed the part where ARIN turned over its address database w/ associatedd registration information to the Fed ... I mean I've always advocated for LEO access, but ther has been significant pushback fromm the community on unfettered access to that data. As I recall, there are even
On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 10:20:08PM -0500, Martin Hannigan wrote: policies and processes to limit/restrict external queries to prevent a DDos of the whois servers. And some fairly strict policies on who gets dumps of the address space. As far as I know (not very far) bundling the address database -and- the registration data are not available to mere mortals.
So - just how DID the Fed get the data w/o violating ARIN policy?
Ours came from our whois information.
-- John