Current ISPs are having so much trouble trying to get a small /20 for existing customers that they should start revoking addresses from companies not using them. Lots of major companies with /8 and /16 are using a /20 worth of addresses. I think there should be somekind of guideline that is more up to date with todays reality and if revoking is the only good way to do so, let's do it. -chris On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Thus spake "Daniel Golding" <dgold@FDFNet.Net>
ARIN needs to repo any space that has [not] been advertised for a reasonable length of time, and reissue it.
So you're claiming that ARIN should revoke any allocations, including those made before it came into existence, simply because the addresses aren't in the global tables?
If that's the position of the community, that's a drastic change from assertions made in the IETF WGs and may affect address allocation guidelines and even some protocol work.
Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking