Look into the Apache::CodeRed module. I'm sure that can be hacked up to do what you need. /nick On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, David Ulevitch wrote:
Hello Joseph,
Tuesday, September 18, 2001, 11:51:43 AM, you wrote:
JM> Yes. We are seeing it here bigtime. Does anyone have any apache hacks JM> to lessen the impact? One idea: Once a probe is sent, the prober's JM> IP# is stored in a hash (perhaps in shared memory or a mmap'd file JM> that all children can share) and new connections from that IP are no JM> longer accepted.
Here's a possibility but I need help with one aspect:
A) create a rule in your apache httpd.conf like this:
<Location /scripts/root.exe> Deny from all ErrorDocument 404 http://www.everydns.net/blockip.php </Location>
B) create blockip.php (or use perl or whatever[read: python]) <? $iptables = '/usr/local/sbin/iptables'; $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; $blockline = $iptables." -A INPUT -s ".$ip." -p all -j DROP;"; system($blockline); ?>
C) the caveat here is that you need to give the webuser (nobody) access to iptables. This can be done in sudo like this: nobody ALL=NOBODY: /usr/local/sbin/iptables
The MAJOR problem is that you have now given your entire web site access to iptables. If you have a machine which has no "users" then this may be okay for you however for most of us it is not. Do any of you have a way to call a perl script directly from the httpd.conf entry and perhaps pass the REMOTE_ADDR to it? I know there's a way and I'll look for it, but in the meantime -- any ideas?
Thanks, David Ulevitch mailto:davidu@everydns.net