9 Jul
9 Jul
1:16 p.m.
Related to that, a growing number of Internet2 connectors now do native IPv6 peering with the Abilene backbone (rather than tunnelling their v6 connectivity), including NYSERnet, the Pittsburgh Gigapop, Great Plains, WiscNet, 6Tap, CUDI, ANS, MAX, Surfnet, and APAN. (see, for example: http://listserv.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0207B&L=abilene-ops-l&P=R2)
The Northern Crossroads (www.nox.org) is the New England I2 Gigapop. They're planning on shifting to native v6 within the next few weeks, though I think only two of the schools connected to it have concrete plans to use it.... Eric :)