On Wed, 28 February 2001, Kevin Day wrote:
According to ABC News, there was just a 6.2 magnitude earthquake, with the epicenter about 35 miles away from Seattle. It appears that Sprint is having some connectivity issues in the Seattle area, several Seattle routers in sprint's network are unreachable at the moment.
The Tsunami Warning Center reports the quake occured at 10:44 PST, with an estimated magintude of 6.2. Some web sites are down, such as www.seattletimes.com, but it appears to be a localized issue. Seattle Public Library, King County Library, Amazon.COM and Microsoft.COM all appear to be functioning. I couldn't find any traceroutes through Sprint's network in the northwest, but I don't know of any sites with only Sprint connectivity, so I don't know about Sprint. ATT, Cable & Wireless, and PSI appear normal. I could reach parts of Qwest/USWEST, but I don't know their physical network topography, so I couldn't tell if I was reaching Seattle or somewhere else.