On 2/21/06, Bill Nash <billn@odyssey.billn.net> wrote:
If you're talking about a compulsory software solution, why not, as an ISP, go back to authenticated activity? Distribute PPPOE clients mated with common anti-spyware/anti-viral tools. Pull down and update signatures *every time* the user logs in, and again periodically while the user is logged in (for those that never log out). Require these safeguards to be active before they can pass the smallest traffic.
Cost prohibitive.. In order to do that you'll need licenses from the AV companies..
The change in traffic flow would necessitate some architecture kung fu, maybe even AOL style, but you'd have the option of selectively picking out reported malicious/infected users (*cough* ThreatNet *cough*) and routing them through packet inspection frameworks on a case by case basis. Quite possibly, you could even automate that and the users would never be the wiser.
And then the privacy zealots would be livid.. Silently re-routing traffic like that.. How dare you suggest such a ... wait.. hrm.. The internet basically does this already.. I wonder if the zealots are aware of that.. :)
- billn
-- Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold XenoPhage0@gmail.com