In message <68424.1325204802@turing-police.cc.vt.edu>, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu writes:
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 07:30:16 +0900, Masataka Ohta said:
IGP is the way for routers advertise their existence, though, in this simplest case, an incomplete proxy of relying on a default router works correctly.
Which is sufficient for 99.8% of hosts out there.
Beyond that, if there are multiple routers, having a default router and relying
Yes yes we know, and we've understood this for a quarter century or so. My disagreement is that even though 99.8% of machines *don't* have multiple routers, you seem to be pedantically insisting that some sort of IGP is mandatory for *all* end hosts, even though only 0.2% or so will actually see any benefit at all.
Well I'd like to be able to plug in the cable router and the DSL router at home and have it all just work. Just because it is 0.2% today doesn't mean that it will be 0.2% in the future. As home users get more and more dependent on the internet working having diverse, independent network connectivity will become more and more important. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org