There are only two or three types of locks that cannot be picked from the outside by a lockpicker within 10-15 minutes. None of those locks is on your outside door. Why do you bother to lock your house?
But in the case of public WLAN, who is the one that you�re trying to keep out?
That is not the point that was responded to [1].
You don�t give the keys to your house to 500 people so your analogy sucks.
Again that was not the point that was responded to. In a case of public wireless LAN or any other public line you by *definition* do not care about protecting public. Can someone please explain to me why (apart from relative ease of mounting those attacks) do we care about attacks mounted via wireless LANs more than attacks mounted over any other medium? Alex [1] The point that the original poster made was that since the WEP is rather trivial to break, one should not use WEP at all.