On Thu, 17 May 2001, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
An interesting note; has anyone else been assigned non-contiguous space when the contiguous block had been 'reserved' for you?
For instance, we were assigned 64.21/17 about a year ago, with 64.21/16 reserved (we were told). It was then extended to a /17 + /18.
We went to get more, and now we've got some other /19 (they haven't actually assigned it).
The point is, if 64.21/16 had been reserved, as they had said was done, today we'd only be making one announcement; 64.21/16; instead, we have to announce a /17, /18, and a new /19, or three times the announcements.
they did the same thing to us ... shrinking announcements. "reserved". We went back after taking care of, and they gave us .192.0/19 and handed .224.0/19 out to others. The "slow-start" seems to be abandoned ... I've gone from a /20 to /19 to /18 to /17 to /18 to /19 ...
On a grand scale, or even a moderate scale, three times the announcements is a significant amount.
Any comments?
PS: as an aside, as anyone else noticed ARIN continually, over the last year or so, making the allocations smaller and smaller? Our first allocation ever was a /17; now we get them in chunks of /19's. Does ARIN have any interest or care in the size of the global routing tree?