26 May
26 May
5:19 p.m.
Looked like a "routing tsunami" from down here in Austin. :-) Knocked us out for about a half-hour.... concur with the suspected origin. Given all the the discussion on the list regarding s*BGP, for a few minutes there I thought someone was just trying to teach us all a hard lesson by injecting massive instability into the DFZ. ;-) - ferg -- "Jonathan M. Slivko" <jonathan@slivko.org> wrote: I saw *almost* 100% packet loss to Verio in Boca Raton, FL this morning, looks like it all started in Ashburn (it was about 80% after a few minutes of mtr running). Fergie (Paul Ferguson) wrote:
Anyone know of any issues in the NE this morning? Lot's of routing instability....
- ferg