That happened once with me today... I looked at it funny, showed it to a couple other folks who also looked at it funny, and then tried again and it worked. Sounds like some sort of overload condition with an inaccurate message... -rt -- Ryan Tucker <rtucker@netacc.net> Unix Systems Administrator NetAccess, Inc. Phone: +1 716 756-5596 3495 Winton Place, Building E, Suite 265, Rochester NY 14623 www.netacc.net On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Mark Kent wrote:
With all this talk of tracing attacks I just noticed that whois -h whois.arin.net seems to not be as informative as it used to be.
When looking up various ASN I sometimes get the information I want, but frequently I get:
Sorry, you shouldn't see this record.
No match for ASN "..."
(Sample ASes are 2855, 5400, 9057, 11486)
Did I miss some policy change?
P.S. Fortunately, various radb-like entities still list information for a lot of ASes.