On Fri, 3 Jun 2016, Cryptographrix wrote:
I have a VPN connection at my house. There's no way for them to know the difference between me using my home network connection from Hong Kong or my home network connection from my house.
In my case I have a he.net tunnel from their tunnel servers in Stockholm. This is properly GEOIP:ed to Sweden (I had to get that done by another content provider that seems to use the same GEOIP as Netflix, because after this was done a year ago or something, Netflix stopped thinking I was in the US when I accessed it over IPv6.) My regular IPv4 address also GEOIPs to same place. So the fact I am using IPv6 through a tunnel provider seems to be what triggers Netflix to block me. The fact that my IPv4 connectivity is NOT through a tunnel, is something they could check. I really wish their tunnel connectivity checker was a bit more sofisticated so it would correlate the following: My billing address is in Sweden. My IPv4 GEOIP says I am in Sweden. My IPv6 GEOIP says I am in Sweden. Ok, so fine, I am not trying to circumvent anything so just let me watch the bloody content ok to show to people in Sweden. BLOODY HELL! -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se