25 Dec
25 Dec
8:40 p.m.
been there, done that 网络滥用 fix you ntp reflection servers :) Sent from my iPhone
On 25 Dec 2015, at 20:29, Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com> wrote:
On 25 December 2015 at 21:10, Colin Johnston <colinj@gt86car.org.uk> wrote:
why do the chinese network folks never reply and action abuse reports, normal slow speed network abuse is tolerated, but not high speed deliberate abuse albeit compromised machine
They do not speak the same language as you. They barely understand your complaint and you would not understand their reply (in chinese!) - or do you expect everyone to know english?
Why does everyone expect the chinese to use Google Translate? Try it yourself before sending off your complaint in Mandarin...