Dear Robert; I feel that this is not appropriate for this list. Anyone on this list might have valid or nefarious reasons to wish to DOS someone else. This list is not an appropriate means of organizing that. I have not received such mail. I have no way of verifying whether or not you have. I don't know J.L. and don't even see him as a contributor to this list. Now, I know you, but there are way too many people on this list to know them all, or for them to all know you (or me, or anyone else). And, email addresses can be spoofed. And, not everyone reads NANOG faithfully all the time, so a spoof might not be detected for some time. I think you can see the potential for mischief here. Regards Marshall On Sep 25, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
Anyone else gotten mail from John Lucania at atlantixglobal.com today?
He lists his phone numbers as:
770.582.7248 Direct and 404.287.2603 Cell
Why not give him a ring (preferably on his cell phone, maybe tonight?) and tell him what you think of spammers? :-)