I'm looking forward to the awful experience of NAT444 promoting IPv6. -- Leigh Porter On 15 Sep 2011, at 00:37, "Mark Gauvin" <MGauvin@dryden.ca> wrote:
Nat444 or frontal labotomy hmm let's see at least with the second I would still be able to make a living as a micro soft network admin;)
Sent from my iPhone
On 2011-09-14, at 6:07 PM, "James Jones" <james@freedomnet.co.nz> wrote:
On 9/14/11 2:46 PM, Leo Bicknell wrote:
In a message written on Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 09:24:25AM +1200, Don Gould wrote:
How many of you have sat and thought about the merit of this web site? Ok, I'll take a swing at your list...
* Does Juniper break promises? Yes.
* Does Cisco break them? Yes.
* What bad things and experiences have you had with Cisco, Juniper? It might take me several days, and many pages to compile that list.
* What is the best technology for each company? Cisco: The AGS+ was ahead of its time. Jiniper: The Olive is quite nifty.
* Did you know that Cisco has a 100Gb solution? Yes, but I can't afford it.
Now, with that out of the way, how much does everyone else hate even the thought of NAT444?
:) :) :)
Just the thought of NAT444 makes my stomach turn.
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