On 2/1/2011 9:51 PM, Dave Israel wrote:
They were features dreamed up by academics, theoreticians, and purists, and opposed by operators.
You mean like the lack of Default Router in DHCPv6? Don't get me wrong. I love RA. However, it is NOT a universal tool, and there are cases where Default Router via DHCPv6 would be more appropriate and easier to manage. Case in point. If I hand out IA_NA or IA_TA to directly connected DSL hosts or CPEs, I have no need of RA. In addition, the load on my router is increased by having to send RA to 3000+ interfaces, something that is absolutely not necessary in my deployment. I would even go as far to say that Default Router would be a good stateless option to hand out along with the DNS servers when customers do SLAAC with me. I have also now seen 2 different vendor DSL modems which when not using PPPoE require a manually entered default router (ie, no RA support). Jack