Am I the only one who read that as intending to be "Veneer", a thin covering to make it look like, even if the subsurface reality is the raw randomness of particle board? I would note that; while it seems like the OP wanted to say that we were to make the process of running outlaws out of town (which is the equivalent of what we're doing here) at least a bit civilized; in the context outside of decoration, a veneer means "superficial or deceptively attractive appearance", IE: for looks only, not changing the inherent character of the thing it's meant to cover up. I guess, it we want better PR, a veneer of judges, bailiffs, and lawyers can't hurt us. We should still let our well clad lawmen unload with all barrels on the louts that have been terrorizing the neighborhood.
-----Original Message----- From: Marshall Eubanks [mailto:tme@multicasttech.com] Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 5:28 AM To: Jo Rhett Cc: Nanog list Subject: Re: a vernier of civilization...
Note that, at least in the spacecraft world, a vernier is an attitude adjustment rocket engine.
I am not sure if NANOG is set up to do an attitude adjustment on civilization...
Regards Marshall
On Sep 25, 2008, at 1:48 AM, Jo Rhett wrote:
On Sep 24, 2008, at 7:24 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
this way lies lynch mobs shall we at least apply a vernier of civilization?
Randy, I would agree if anything less had ever been effective.
If you have a better idea, please explain to the rest of us.
-- Jo Rhett Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness