I certainly agree that our country has an obligation to the victims and to the cause of justice to take some sort of action. However, I hope that in the event that more innocent lives are lost in the course of our response, that Americans will not revel and celebrate the way that we saw some Middle Easterners doing. I do not think the people we saw dancing in the streets on the news were typical Arab citizens. The typical observant Muslim is a monotheist with a high sense of ethics and considers terrorists to be.....terrorists. The better classes of Muslims are remarkably similar to the better classes of Americans. Unfortunately, we too have our share of bums who will be cheering on their barstools and consider it to be entertainment should the conflict spill over to impact innocents....as the terrorists very likely hope that it does. Ralph Los wrote:
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been lurking around reading all these 'love the planet' emails, and I have to agree...killing is surely not the answer - but if you gave me an unlimited supply of rockets, and a lot of killing power, I'd point it at Afganistan and say....'Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out later".......just my two cents...I had a friend who left his wife a message seconds before he died up there in south tower..."Honey, I'm on the 92nd floor and am not going to make it back to your arms alive - remember I will always love you" -then the line went dead....those words ring through my head over and over and over - I could have been there, so could you.
True, there is no taking back what happened, but if GW issued an act of war, and did some re-arranging of the middle-east and the like, and places like Afganistan, Iraq, and the Palestinian militant states DISAPPEARED forever - no one, especially this blue-blooded American would shed a tear...and I as one...would see all the psycho-terrorists to hell.
Otherwise known as, Dr. Blackfelt