fyi from cypherpunks mailing list.
-----Original Message----- From: Ian [SMTP:ian@deepwell.com] Sent: Friday, July 02, 1999 2:16 PM To: cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com Subject: Root Domain Server Hacked.
So who were the people on here that said you couldn't take down the root name servers?
Told ya.
Oh and let me be very VERY clear.
for those FBI agents trolling this list who suddenly noticed my name. I owned an ISP for 3 years, Im a founding representative of the ISP/C and pretty much an Internet head I am extremly PRO internet and the people who did this should go to jail for a long time then be banned from using a computer <in my book a fate almost woste than having a leg cut off>.
hacking on your own network is fine screwing with someone elses isn't.