In message <BANLkTik+qgTPXOwaSsHseYQbP0MBJw25Tb2bO6b3kyrKvhGj=Q@mail.gmail.com>, = ?UTF-8?B?SsOpcsO0bWUgTmljb2xsZQ==?= writes:
2011/6/6 Mark Andrews <marka@isc.org>:
Well here in Australia I would be calling the ACCC is a ISP tried to charge extra for a address that is not behind a LSN.
On France, our bigger ISP charges extra for a fixed IP. Its network beeing rather old-fashioned, every DSL (and residential fiber) line is terminated on a LNS through a PPP session. Assigning a fixed IP is technically done by adding a RADIUS parameter to force the termination LNS to those having a static pool. The same method could be applied to get a user out of the LSN, but as their LSN isn't yet in place, we have no clue of what they'll do. We just know their CEO just announced ongoing discussions with CDNs (including google) about service differenciation and charging users for priority bandwidth.
Which just reinforces the point that it is not technically hard. Remember when you introduce LSN you are degrading the service not adding to it. I can seen consumer bodies saying thay you need to compensate your customers unless there is a free path to get into the exception pool.
=C2=A0If you can adjust port 25 filters whenever a customer gets a new address you can also ensure that they get address from the correct pool when they connect to the network. =C2=A0This really isn't rocket science.
Well, you can't open port25 on Orange's ADSL service ;)
--=20 J=C3=A9r=C3=B4me Nicolle -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org