Yeah, so why bother? As long as load balancers don't have GigE ports, I can't use them and have to use something like Resonate. Besides, LBs don't do site-site load balancing. If you want to do distributed load sharing then there really isn't much choice. Personally, I don't see benefits of LBs that proper clustering wont give you. Component clusters work well, much better than simple LB will give you.
From: tony bourke: Friday, July 07, 2000 8:01 AM
you can do EtherChannel for more than 100 Mbps, but we all know how well that works.
On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
The last time I looked at one, I couldn't get it in GigE...100baseTX only. Ergo, I couldn't run it on my
Sutantyo, Danny: Thursday, July 06, 2000 8:37 AM
How about Local Director?
From: Richard Colella: Thursday, July 06, 2000 5:38 AM
Products are also available from Alteon, Cisco (Distributed Director) and Resonate. Last time I looked, none of these products does everything one wants, IMHO, but the set union of features comes pretty close.