On Mon, 2019-12-30 at 09:50 -0500, Shane Ronan wrote:
Also, keep in mind that 10 years ago, you didn't know you would want or need 25mbits to your phone,
Who needs 25mbits to their phone?
but I'd bet that now you'd have a hard time living without it.
I already live without it (by a long shot) and am not sure what I'd do with it if I had it except rack up huge overage bills a week into the month. Well, not really but that's because I honestly have no use for that kind of speed to my phone. What am I supposed to do with that? Go to the park and watch Netflix in 4K on my 2K phone screen? The irony of such speeds in North America (Canada in particular) are ludicrous usage limits that we have and how quickly we'd use up our minuscule data alottemnt with such speeds. But then again, overage fees are what are paying the bills over at the mobile companies. b.
On Mon, Dec 30, 2019, 9:24 AM Matt Hoppes < mattlists@rivervalleyinternet.net> wrote:
We saw this with Femtocells. Why build the network when the end user will build it with their broadband connection?
With 5G - if I need fiber to the pole already and the pole has to be within. Few hundred feet of the end user, why not just deploy fiber to the home? Do I really need a gigabit per second on my mobile device?