Is there a link to LAAP's aggregate usage statistics? thanks, Deepak Jain AiNET On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Jim Pepin wrote:
There are two parts to the exchange, known as MAE-LA to some. There is the MFS part (MAE-LA) and the LAAP. The LAAP is run by USC/ISI and was setup by Jon Postel several years before he passed away. In the last 18 months USC has setup a dark fiber based sites that make up the LAAP exchange. Today we (USC) has space in 1 wilshire and we installed a Foundry box with Gb and 100 meg ethernet ports. We used the dark fiber to provision 3 Gb ethernets to the USC campus and then from there to USC/ISI. If someone wishes to join the exchange we can attach them at any of those sites. We have space for members at the USC campus and ISI, at 1 wilshire people usually are there already and we have a cage with our switch equipment. We will add capacity as needed to keep the exchange viable.
Today the LAAP is growing and we are adding regional ISPs, content providers, some larger ISPs and most recently the CALREN-2 network, which now includes all UC and CSU campuses plus USC, Caltech, JPL and Stanford. In the near future it will also include all school districts in California. We also can provision some private ATM connections and private VLANs for those who want to do private peering and are in 1 wilshire complex.
The web page for the LAAP is www.laap.net
Jim Pepin CTO USC Information Services Division Director Center for High Performance Computing and Communications USC/ISI