Hi Brian, I know other people have posted about this, re almost getting fired. Many companies now are adopting "new" rules regarding employee's posting on listserves. The policy here is that employees must get another address through aol or yahoo or some other free mailserve if they want to participate in listserve discussion. The reason is spam, supposedly. My boss knows I post here, and he doesn't care that I use my work mail address. I'm smart enough to deal with spam myself. (at least he thinks so ;) The point is, that there are many companies now, at least in the Wash metro area, that are requiring employees to use an alternate mail address for any listserves they participate in. Hope this sheds more light on the subject. Jane Brian Wallingford wrote:
Perhaps it's time to bar posting privileges from those who insist on remaining entirely anonymous?
I doubt that anyone who has anything substantive to offer would need to use a hushmail/yahoo/etc. return address.
The initial posts from Bandy, Vaul, et al were mildly amusing at first, but the novelty wore out very quickly.
cheers, Darl Kenninger
Sorry, but Wrian Ballingford just didn't have a good "ring", so I needed to improvise.
On Wed, 7 Aug 2002 dalph@hushmail.com wrote:
: : :On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote: : :> What would be useful in all this discussion would be if someone gives a :> list of "good" root servers to put in my named.boot. :> i.e. generally fast response time and no blocking prefixes : :What would be even more useful would be if you read up on how BIND works. : :As long as you have one reachable root server in your hint zone you'll end up :with them all in your cache. : :- Dalph Roncaster : :Communicate in total privacy. :Get your free encrypted email at https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2 : :Looking for a good deal on a domain name? http://www.hush.com/partners/offers.cgi?id=domainpeople : :