My favorite quote is: "All countries want to counter spam -- unsolicited commercial messages that can flood email accounts by the hundreds and burden the web with unwanted traffic." Especially in lite of the comment you posted and the fact that developing countries seem to be the major sources of SPAM these days. Of course, given all the good that the ITU has done for telecommunications and RF Spectrum control.... (NOT!) Finally, there's the issue of can the internet really be "governed". My inclination is not. ICANN certainly is not "governing" the internet. Sure, ICANN has some level of control over the creation of new TLDs and is responsible for handing out addresses and protocol/port numbers at the top level, but, ICANN doesn't approve or reject new protocols. They don't control how packets are routed at any real operational level. They don't set any real policies other than those for address allocation. Nor would they really be able to if they tried. Further, ICANN gets what little power it does have primarily from the consent of the network operational community and general agreement that stable operations within the ICANN framework is better than chaos. If it comes to a tug of war between ICANN and ITU, it will be interesting to see if anyone actually wins. How many operators will follow ICANN and how many will follow ITU? How many will simply start running a different Internet? How many other competing ANAs will develop in the process? Interesting times in the Chinese sense of the term. Owen