On Apr 19, 2007, at 12:52 PM, David Temkin wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Warren Kumari Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 12:01 PM To: Robert E. Seastrom Cc: Leigh Porter; Jay Hennigan; Andre Oppermann; nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: BGP Problem on 04/16/2007
On Apr 19, 2007, at 10:17 AM, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
With certain susceptible Sun CPUs which were popular during
the last
sunspot maxima, this was actually demonstrably true (and acknowledged by Sun), so don't laugh too hard.
Yup, Sandia National Labs made a radiation hardened Pentium and, as far as I remember, was working on a hardened SPARC -- there was also some work done (AFAIR on PPC) whereby 3 processors would run the same instructions and vote on the output...
There is a radiation hardened Pwwer PC - http://www.klabs.org/DEI/Processor/PowerPC/index.htm You need this for space flight qualified hardware. Up there, cosmic ray bit flips and stuck bits are a common occurrence. Regards Marshall
Thinking of perhaps Resilience? http://www.resilience.com/
God, those things were horrid before they realized that the business model of assuming "The app will always be OK, the issue will be the hardware" was completely misguided. I forget what the product was named at the time, but I'll never forget what a piece of crap it was.