Additionally, whilst not "technically" a tier 1 provider, Hurricane electric should be high on that list. Especially as one of the best providers of and proponents for IPv6. We'll see into the future, HE may have one of the most critical infrastructures, and should be a "part-owner" of the internet. On Wed, May 16, 2018, 8:08 AM Eric Dugas <edugas@unknowndevice.ca> wrote:
Replace Level3 with CenturyLink as they're basically taking over AS33566. Would add Zayo (AS6461) to the list.
I'm not familiar with Sparkle/Seabone to be honest as we're operating an eyeball network exclusively in the NA. On May 16 2018, at 10:54 am, Aaron Gould <aaron1@gvtc.com> wrote:
.written in 12/2015 - do y'all think this is accurate, and, in 2018, is
still accurate ? (asking since my next question is related to Sparkle, since they are listed in that previous article as a significant Internet
it presence)
Also, please tell me your feelings/experiences of Sparkle as an Internet uplink provider. like for 10/100 gig.
My coworker just got back from ITW/Chicago and he is considering Sparkle
an additional Internet provider for the ISP I work for in San Antonio, TX . we would need to uplink to Sparkle in the central Texas area somehow. He mentioned that Sparkle may be in McAllen / Dallas and could possibly, in
as the
future be in Austin or San Antonio
- Aaron