On Thu, 11 Oct 2012, Tore Anderson wrote:
That some features are available only on the most advanced access technology is perfectly reasonable and to be expected, IMHO. If not, what's the point of upgrading at all?
Uh, whut? I expect my ssh sessions to survive a 4G->3G handover, and if they happen to go over IPv6, I want them to survive. The important reason to upgrade is to get higher speeds, not to get access to new L3 tech.
I lose my YouTube streams when I get handed over from 3G to 2G, too, for example. I can live with that. I much prefer it to YouTube not working 3G as well, even though that might very well be considered a more "consistent" user experience.
I don't agree with you at all. I don't believe I would lose the stream when doing that handoff in our network, it might buffer some more (because EDGE is slower than HSDPA), but you wouldn't lose the stream. Consistent behaviour (apart from speed) on all networks is really important for me, and I'd imagine it is for most users as well. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se