So, Mr. Metcalfe: Is it the case that anyone who disagrees with you is a flamer? Tisk tisk.... DT On Fri, 21 Jun 1996, Bob Metcalfe wrote:
Dear NANOG List,
Thanks for your critiques of my NANOG meeting critique column in InfoWorld.
Below is a copy of a draft (before editing) of the offending column, just in case some of you have been reading only one another's critiques instead of the column itself. Of course I stand by it.
Some of you guys/gals are very good at ad hominem attacks. Flaming is alive and well on the Internet. Tisk tisk. But then I asked for it. Anyway, the attention is flattering. Thank you.
A few of you missed one point at least. I am NOT suggesting that any of YOU start wearing suits, especially if you find them uncomfortable, or that they make a statement you are not willing to make -- none of that, no -- good engineers are too valuable to overdress. I am suggesting that more of the kind of people who ALREADY wear suits should start paying attention to the important work NANOG is attempting and start attending your meetings so they can pitch in on the non-engineering aspects of operating the Internet. Is that clearer now?
By the way, there are reports from two days ago that 400,000 people lost their Internet access for 13 hours. Sounds like an outage approaching "collapse." Was that just a Netcom thing that NANOG has no interest in? Netcom is not talking very much about what happened. Any clues/facts out there? Were any NAPs involved?
/Bob Metcalfe, InfoWorld
InfoWorld / From the Ether / Bob Metcalfe
NANOG Meeting Column
The North American Network Operations Group (NANOG) remains our best bet for managing through the Internet's coming collapses. Problem is, like the Internet, NANOG itself is struggling to scale up. I've just been among the 350 mostly engineers attending NANOG's May meeting at George Washington University. It's clear now, even if they hate the idea, that if NANOG is to lead us toward an industrial-strength Internet, then it must now urgently attract the active participation of many more men and women who routinely wear suits. Here, on April Fool's Day, I nominated NANOG as that organization best positioned to lift the Internet out of its current, disfunctional operations anarchy. I then incorrectly identified NANOG as part of the Internet Society's Internet Engineering and Planning Group (IEPG), a seemingly defunct sister of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Turns out I was wrong about what I'd read on the Web at http://info.isoc.org:80/adopsec. For the next two weeks postings on NANOG's message archive flamed me for not knowing that NANOG is moderated by the Merit Network at the University of Michigan (http://www.merit.edu). NANOG, I was told, has nothing to do with the Internet Society. And further, the Internet Society has nothing to do anymore with the IETF. Checking with a pal at the Society, I was told that IETF has been arguing about disassociating from the Internet Society, and, oh by the way, Merit is "irrelevant." Yes, I found pettiness and bureaucratic infighting among the groups I had hoped would be pulling the Internet together. I stand corrected, but not reassured. Back at NANOG, I was surrounded by people whose life is about "running code." I twiddled as these mostly engineers, unaccustomed as they are to public speaking, stood up one by one in front of 350 people without having ever tried their slides on GWU's projection system. We all waited while Windows booted. If you have running code, it seems, you don't have to respect your audience by checking your slides at least once in advance. Or by wearing a suit. NANOG's opening presentations on "The State of the Internet" were given by the four Network Access Points (NAPs). Pacific Bell (http://www.PacBell.COM/Products/NAP), Sprint (http://www.sprintlink.net/SPLK/HB21.html), Ameritech (http://www.ameritech.com/products/data/nap), and MFS Datanet (http://www.mfsdatanet.com/) each showed how very connected they are to various of the big Internet Service Providers (ISPs). They are installing new equipment to meet ramping demand, are operating well below capacity, and are not losing even a single Internet packet ever, they said. Then came the three large Network Service Providers (NSPs). Sprint, ANS (http://www.ans.net), and MCI (http://www.mci.com/resources) each showed, after some Macintosh booting, that they are installing new equipment to meet ramping demand, are operating well below capacity, and are not losing even a single Internet packet ever, they said. Then the fit hit the shan. Various earnest young speakers from Merit stood up one by one to report "alarming" statistics from the Internet -- rapidly increasing packet loss rates and routing instabilities (http://nic.merit.edu/routing.arbiter/RA/statistics). They asked the NAPs and NSPs, "Where are so many packets being lost?" "Somewhere else," came the denial. Then followed an afternoon and another morning of pleadings. For standards on traffic measurements. For regular outage reporting. For cooperation on gathering topological information to use in Internet operations management. For streamlining multilateral "peering agreements" among ISPs. For systematic use of an Internet Routing Registry. And, from an actual Internet user, pleadings for cooperation on end-to-end service measurements. Sadly, there was nobody at NANOG with the organizational sophistication to grab hold of these pleadings and accelerate them toward action. So, hey, I've got an idea, let's ask the business executives to whom current attendees of NANOG report to buy some T-shirts and take over. The Internet needs more than running code. Now, what would happen if some of NANOG's big university, NAP, and NSP regulars showed up among the many small commercial ISPs expected August 8-10 at ONE ISPCON in San Francisco? I'll be summarizing there. See www.boardwatch.com or call 800-933-6038.
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Dr. Robert M. ("Bob") Metcalfe Executive Correspondent, InfoWorld and VP Technology, International Data Group
Internet Messages: bob_metcalfe@infoworld.com Voice Messages: 617-534-1215
Conference Chairman for ACM97: The Next 50 Years of Computing San Jose Convention Center March 1-5, 1997 ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________