On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:56:01 -0500, JC Dill <jcdill.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
It's a common belief among network operators that if a "server operator" doesn't have access/ability to modify the PTR record for a server, it's a good sign that the server shouldn't be used to send email, but instead should send email thru an email server provided by their upstream access provider.
That would be fine *IF* SORBS, et. al., actually paid any attention to such things. I have dealt with SORBS several times over the years, and NEVER, EVER, have they given a single shit. Your connection is "ADSL" and therefore "residential"... We were told by the ISP that address range is "residential" -- a verified f***ing lie, btw. The request has to come from the ISP -- which they will ignore as well. To date, everyone who's ever blocked an email from me due to SORBS DUL, *NO LONGER USES SORBS*. (I also rewrote the sendmail macro to explicitly ignore their spamtrap list as well. It only takes one message, EVER, to get listed forever. And they will not show you the message(s) that got you listed.) --Ricky