Bullpucky with regards to 10G optics cost. (1G we can agree on) You can do SPF+ 10G LRM for 220M of shiny-light goodness for 280 bucks. LR is nearly 4 times that much. We find that 220 gets us to most places in the building. Jeff- As far as fiber goes we spec sumitomo or corning and try to stick to LRM optics when we can. Michael Balasko CCSP, MCSE Network Specialist II City of Henderson, Nevada 240 Water St. Henderson, Nevada 89015 702.267.4337 -----Original Message----- From: Chuck Anderson [mailto:cra@WPI.EDU] Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 12:18 PM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Inside plant 10G fiber specs? On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 02:16:53PM -0400, Jeff Kell wrote:
I am working up network specs for a new building, and trying to accomodate a 10G distribution from the start. The safe bet of running singlemode everywhere doesn't quite fit due to cost of the optics and the need for multimode for some other (non-network) devices anyway.
Pull a hybrid MM/SM cable. For the life expectancy of most fiber installs, you'll want the SM to run 10G now, and 40G, 100G, ?? in the future over the same infrastructure. SM optics aren't really that much more expensive anymore.