The following networks have been added to the NSFNET policy-based routing database: T1 Network: Net # Net Name Primary Secondary Location -------- ----------- ------- --------- -------- 131.251 CARDIFFCOMMA 274 60 University of Wales College of Cardiff, Computing Centre, UWCC, 40/41 Park Place, Cardiff CF1 3BB, UNITED KINGDOM 138.22 ZAMGNET-WIEN 590 Zentralanstalt fuer Metereologie und Geodynamik, Hohe Warte 38, A-1190 Wien, AUSTRIA 147.49 PWUSDA 200 201 United States Department of Agriculture, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA, 94710, USA 147.128 ALANTEC-NET 200 201 Alantec, Inc., 2380 Bering Dr., San Jose, CA, 95131, USA 155.69 NTUNET1 1250 Nanyang Technological University, The Computer Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 2263, SINGAPORE 155.245 ESSEX 274 60 University of Essex, Computing Service, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ, UNITED KINGDOM 157.142 UOKHSC1 93 University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center, Computing Services, PO Box 26901, Oklahoma City, OK 73190, USA 157.185 SLHNET1 1740 754 Sparta Inc. AESO, 23041 de la Carlota Suite 400, Laguna Hills, CA 92692, USA 158.2 SF-NET1 164 184 US Army Logistic Control Activity, 1CA AMXLC-IC, Bld. 650, Room 109, PSF, CA 94129-6900, USA 158.3 TACOM-RDE-2 184 164 US Army TACOM, US Army TACOM Attn. AMSTA-RYT, Warren, MI 48397, USA 192.5.38 WASH-NET 200 201 SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 192.55.225 CONCORD-POE 164 184 Naval Weapon Station, Bld. E 98, Code 523, Concord, CA 94520, USA 192.82.153 MRC-MGU-NET 274 60 Medical Research Council Molecular Genetics Unit, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH, UNITED KINGDOM 192.82.157 UNILEOBEN 590 Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Franz Josef Strasse 18; A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA 192.122.132 ITI-Net1 1250 Information Technology Institute, National Computer Board, 71 Science Park Drive, Singapore 2263, SINGAPORE 192.122.133 ITI-Net2 1250 Information Technology Institute, National Computer Board, 71 Science Park Drive, Singapore 2263, SINGAPORE 192.136.133 ALEXANDRIA2 184 164 US Army, HQ AMC DOIM, 5001 Eisenhower Ave., Attn. AMCIO-I, Alexandria, VA 22333, USA 192.138.68 AMEDD-CMPBL 164 184 Blanchfield Army Comm. Hosp., Cdr, USAMEDDAC, HSXD-IM, Ft. Campbell, KY 42223-1498, USA 192.138.72 AMEDD-HARSN 184 164 Hawley Army Comm. Hosp., CDR, USAMEDDAC, HCH-IM, Ft. Ben Harrison, IN 46216-7000, USA 192.138.74 AMEDD-BENNG 184 164 Martin Army Comm. Hosp., CDR, USAMEDDAC, HSXB-IM, Ft. Benning, GA 31905-6106, USA 192.138.75 AMEDD-BELVR 184 164 DeWitt Army Comm. Hosp., CDR, USAMEDDAC, ATTN. HSXA-IMD, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5141, USA 192.138.208 UNH-NASHUA 560 281 UNH-Nashua Graduate Campus, Kingsbury Hall RM-M208, Computer Science Dept., University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA 192.146.142 RTS-NET 297 372 Richmond Station/USNO, 11820 SW 166 Street, Miami, FL 33177, USA 192.148.105 SEARS-DMZ 750 756 Sears Technology Services, Inc., 231 North Martingale Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173-2254, USA Total NSFNET T1 announced networks: 4941 T3 Network: Network IP: 147.49 Network Name: PWUSDA Location: United States Department of Agriculture, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany, CA, 94710, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 147.128 Network Name: ALANTEC-NET Location: Alantec, Inc., 2380 Bering Dr., San Jose, CA 95131, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 157.185 Network Name: SLHNET1 Location: Sparta Inc. AESO, 23041 de la Carlota Suite 400, Laguna Hills, CA 92692, USA Country Code: US 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 192.5.38 Network Name: WASH-NET Location: SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.146.142 Network Name: RTS-NET Location: Richmond Station/USNO, 11820 SW 166 Street, Miami, FL 33177, USA Country Code: US 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.148.105 Network Name: SEARS-DMZ Location: Sears Technology Services, Inc., 231 North Martingale Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173-2254, USA Country Code: US 1:1323 ANS Chicago - DNSS 27 Network IP: 192.138.208 Network Name: UNH-NASHUA Location: UNH-Nashua Graduate Campus, Kingsbury Hall RM-M208, Computer Science Dept., University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network Total NSFNET T3 announced networks: 2543 The configuration reports, map information sheets, and configuration files which reflect these changes are available for anonymous ftp on nis.nsf.net as usual. nsfnet/announced.networks - configuration reports latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file extension .now - NSFNET T3 has the file extension 3.now nsfnet/backbone.configuration - configuration files for the routing software for each NSS latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file format config.nss# - NSFNET T3 has the file extension .t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin@merit.edu using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line from the nis.nsf.net machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfsites" and grab the files TEMPLATE.NET, TEMPLATE.GATE, and TEMPLATE.AS. --Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET