I have a lot of leads for this at www.dnso.net From there you can get to the ORSC sites and a few others. Examples of how to build your own root-zone files are at http://files.dnso.net along with a few papers MHSC has submitted to ICANN/WG-C and other places. Both MHSC and ORSC root-zone files can be found there. <Fair-warning> This is the begining of the trail into the flame-laden domain-policy warz. If you don't want to deal with that then don't travel too deep. </Fair-warning>
-----Original Message----- From: Brian J. Murrell [mailto:bmurrell@turbolinux.com] Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 4:29 AM To: rmeyer@mhsc.com Cc: jim@reptiles.org; vixie@mibh.net; nanog@merit.edu Subject: RE: piracy on parade
from the quill of "Roeland M.J. Meyer" <rmeyer@mhsc.com> on scroll <000201bfed56$99e475c0$eaaf6cc7@PEREGRIN>
BTW if you really want to get hold of Joe, find him at http://www.dot.god
If you need a resolving server to get there, use
Kinda off the topic a bit, but can somebody point me to a doc as to how I can "augment" my root server list in BIND-8 to include an NS record for GOD. of NS1.MHSC.NET. It does not seem to be as straightforward as one would think (by seeding the hints file with an NS and A record).
The only way I have been able to achieve this sort of thing is with forwarding zones and forwarders. It's messy and doesn't scale well.
Thanx, b. w
-- TurboLinux, Inc.