For Shipwright.com, it's Donald McKay's ships <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_McKay> and famous clippers (shortened) (Flying) cloud, (Neptune's) car, &cet, then Jack Aubrey's commands <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Aubrey> (sophie, surprise...), and, finally, the names of various sentient ships in the Iain M. Banks "Culture" universe <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ships_(The_Culture)> (Prosthetic) conscience, (Kiss My) ass, (Shoot Them) later, &cet. Haven't really scratched the surface, there :-). For IBUC.com it's names of bearer instruments throughout history. bullae, talent, penny, &cet. For Philodox.com it's sophists and other intellectual charlatans. protagoras, gorgias, mesmer, lysenko, &cet. No shortage of those, either. rah.ai is only one machine, so far. Haven't come up with a naming convention there, haven't begun to think about it, either. Maybe the words of the LRY Cheer, or something... Cheers, RAH