forced to hire CCIE's instead of JCIE's? Would I be better getting a JCIE because there are rarer? I noticed several CCIE's rising to defend their certification, but not a single JCIE.
I would contend there are a few more CCIE's than JCIE's and in a real world large company hiring situation you face a few possible scenerios: 1. The commitee to revise job requirements has not met. 2. The manager requesting the position through HR is clueless. 3. HR is clueless, and just cut-and-pasted a similiar job ad. 4. They know exactly what they are doing, and the person they really want to hire happens to be CCIE, and they figure he/she can read the Juniper manuals until they get the JCIE. By the way.. I am thinking of using a Juniper M5 for a channelized DS3 interface to a local CLEC (serving data to frac T1 customers). Any good/bad comments? As for getting the JCIE because they are rarer.. that's just wrong. Get what you need and can use where you want to live. --Mike Harrison Rare (and now useless) certifications include: CBET #2750 (ASHE Certified BioMedical Electronics Technician) CCE #2750 (ASHE Certified Clinical Engineer) Irix Linear Phased Array Ultrasound Certified Technician Sharplan CO2 Laser Certified Technician GE 3 Phase X-Ray... ad infiniteum ad nauseum