whois -a AS 4134 Data Communications Bureau (ASN-CHINALINK) 40, Xue Yuan Lu Beijing 100083 CN
Autonomous System Name: CHINALINK Autonomous System Number: 4134
Coordinator: Wan, Jun (JW221-ARIN) dstanton@HQ.SI.NET (861)-201-2994 (FAX) (861)-205-3995
Record last updated on 01-Dec-1994. Database last updated on 28-Apr-2001 22:45:44 EDT.
The ARIN Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet Network Information: Networks, ASN's, and related POC's. Please use the whois server at rs.internic.net for DOMAIN related Information and whois.nic.mil for NIPRNET Information.
Ok, that's freaky. # whois -a AS 4134 No match for "4134". %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NO MATCH TIP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % ALL OF THE POINT OF CONTACT HANDLES IN THE ARIN % % WHOIS END WITH "-ARIN", IF YOU ARE QUERYING A POINT % % OF CONTACT HANDLE PLEASE ADD -ARIN TO YOUR QUERY. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The ARIN Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet Network Information: Networks, ASN's, and related POC's. Please use the whois server at rs.internic.net for DOMAIN related Information and whois.nic.mil for NIPRNET Information. ARIN must be broken tonight. :) -- Kevin