If you see harm, prosecute it. Anything and everything that one person can do that harms another, even spam and smurf denial-of-service, is already illegal. What it requires is not waiting for someone else to solve your problems for you, it requires people to take charge of their own lives.
I think we agree here. I understand your earlier point; if the NOCs at the major NSP's are uncooperative, then e-mailing them isn't going to help much.
IOW - I agree with Karl.
Or maybe not. Email has its limitations.
Perhaps after one or two occasions where the NOC refuses to help we could sic a couple lawyers on 'em. Perhaps, since we're talking about a legal issue here, certified mail saying "you're an accessory to a DoS attack" (or at least "You're aiding and abetting") may work better than e-mail. Thank you, you helped me focus a little better... -- Steven J. Sobol - Founding Member, Postmaster/Webmaster, ISP Liaison -- Forum for Responsible & Ethical E-mail (FREE) - Dedicated to education about, and prevention of, Unsolicited Broadcast E-mail (UBE), also known as SPAM. Info: http://www.ybecker.net