It doesn’t. You can get IPv6 working with off-the-shelf equipment if you choose to. Randy chose to use that particular hardware and software combination. Owen On Dec 11, 2013, at 7:11 AM, Eric Oosting <eric.oosting@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
Randy Bush wrote:
http://comcast6.net/ tells me that the local cmts is v6 enabled. my modem, a cisco dpc3008, is in the supported products list. so how do i turn the sucker on?
after a lot of messing about with the massive help of Chris Adams and John Brzozowski, problem solved. see http://rtechblog.psg.com/
It brings a tear to my eye that it takes:
0) A long standing and well informed internet technologist; 1) specific, and potentially high end, CPE for the res; 2) specific and custom firmware, unsupported by CPE manufacturer ... or anyone; 3) hand installing several additional packages; 4) hand editing config files; 5) sysctl kernel flags; 6) several shout outs to friends and coworkers for assistance (resources many don't have access to); 7) oh, and probably hours and hours twiddling with it.
just to get IPv6 to work correctly.
Yea, that's TOTALLY reasonable.