At 9:50 PM -0500 3/20/98, Dean Robb wrote:
Try reading again. I have no problem, nor did I imply a problem, with foreign hosts having listings in InterNIC. The 'Net IS worldwide, after all. I cannot imagine where you get the idea that I "won't accept" this concept.
Oh. I see. You didn't write this:
Dean Robb: Traceroute confirms that youwant.to is hosted by Web2000.net. The WhoIs-listed IP is user.host.net, the machine on which Host.Net runs their webpage, FTP, et al. Not real likely they'd give that out for a hosted domain's IP.
Sounds pretty conspiratorial to me. It is indeed very "likely" that they'd give out a host record user.host.net for a hosted domain's IP. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Dean Robb: So....four days ago, youwant.to [side issue: Why does a machine, "perhaps", have a host entry in WhoIs, but the domain, "youwant.to" not?] updated their WhoIs record with a bunch of lies. THAT is the point, and the problem. What is NSI/InterNIC going to do about it, Eric?
So your "side issue" above is completely untrustworthy. I admit, I just tried whois -h www.tonic.co. I should have looked at the web page. I am wrong about them not having a whois page. The correct answer, is that the Internic is not, can not, and will not do anything about it until they are asked by someone authoritative. And you aren't that. Look for conspiracies where you will.
Actually, there is strong evidence that a significant percentage of the incorrect information in WhoIs is there deliberately...inserted by net.abusers trying to avoid identification. There may be a large number of just plain errors, too...so why is nothing done to try to clean up the database?
I think that Internic gets paid. Thats pretty strong "correct" information. Anyway, there is not a real database on the planet that has entirely correct information. In this case, the incorrectness of the information is trivial, and has no effect on anything. No one can hijack a domain from another registry this way.
As for nothing InterNIC or NANOG can do: It is NSI's job to administer the database.
Several people have said this. I've said it several times: Its Tonic's database, not Internics. Being such a simple concept, nothing more really needs to be said. Second, and several people have also confirmed this as well, the incorrect host record may be just innocently incorrect. It's not your concern. Its not nanogs concern. In fact, Internic can't tell whether the real owner of perhaps.youwant.to owns that ip address or not. If they don't own it, they can complain to Internic about it. But you can't. It doesn't belong to you. There is no conspiracy to conceal information. There is no conspiracy by Internic to enable hijacking domains and populate their database with incorrect information.
Maybe all those who don't like spam should just email you privately (at this or your dawg@world.std.com [you know, the one you send unsolicted commercial email aka spam from] address?)?
This is a good example of anti-spammer terrorism. Mr. Robb here appears to encourage annoying or hate mails to a private account, and slander me with hate mail. I rarely send mail from that account, and never publicly. It must have taken some research for Mr. Robb to find that address. This, in fact, is inappropriate behavior. I have to question whether its appropriate for Mr. Robb to be on the Nanog list. I have had my World account for 7 years. Barry Shein (owner of world) is probably one of the most vehement and active anti-spam activists there are. I think he reads this list, and I hope he will attest that I have never sent spam from his system. Fortunately, Barry can distinguish political activism from terrorism. Indeed, he is one of the innocent victims of anti-spammer terrorism. He has suffered through bonafide denial of service attacks, unable to get the FBI's attention, because they seem to involve spam, and 99% of all spam complaints are frivolous --Dean ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plain Aviation, Inc dean@av8.com LAN/WAN/UNIX/NT/TCPIP http://www.av8.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++