L3 is the ghetto of colos. Or maybe I just had a bad time with them. The line: A T1 from Sunnyvale to San Francisco took them 3 months to hammer out. Not that long, but then it's just a T1. And why they didn't string it from their their SF site is beyond me... I was working the Unix end of that install, which was bad enough. The cross-connect: Three weeks to string 60 feet of cat5. Not good. The cage: Three weeks per phone line, they said. (The customer had three modems, so needed 3 POTS lines.) And, they run serially, not in parallel. So, I waited 9 weeks for an afternoon's work. This, after waiting a month for them to build the cage itself. The Colo: Dusty. Like, really, really dusty. And warm. Computers do not care too much for dust in their works, nor for 80-degree weather. Ah, and the telco closet, where my 9-weeks-in-the-making POTS lines were terminated was an unlocked closet right off the main entrance to the machine room. It veritably defined spaghetti, and there was water (!!) on the floor. Like, big puddle, not just mop leavings. And, an associate's FTP servers were down for three days, following a botched MPLS implementation... But that's his story, not mine. In Level3's defense, their IP services are relatively decent, and they're probably the cheapest colo/ISP/whatnot that you're likely to find. Andonce stuff's installed, it doesn't seem to go down very often. And I'veonly dealt with Level3 in three projects, all at the same colo in the same time, so maybe my problems were an isolated incident. I do know that I won't be giving them any of my business for a while. Matthew Devney On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Joe Budion wrote:
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 17:00:35 -0500 From: Joe Budion <jjbiv@buckeye-express.com> To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: DS3 Ordering Experiences
How's Level3? Anyone else have any good/bad experiences with them?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Hannigan" <hannigan@fugawi.net> To: <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 3:21 PM Subject: Re: DS3 Ordering Experiences
At 02:59 PM 2/22/2001 -0500, Andy Dills wrote:
This might help some people ordering DS3s from UUnet in the future, so I'll post it here for the archives.
We ordered a DS3 to UUnet last July, and after several blown FOC dates,
finally started passing packets last night. (And man, nothing like 2 ms latency and being able to measure downloads in MB/s.) Thank god the circuit is quality, or this would be an entirely different post.
UUnet was amazingly slow: 7+ months to terminate a DS3 to Frederick, MD, 50 miles north of their world headquarters.
[ snip ]
Remember that post I made a bit back that was supposed to be a personal note regarding an OC12?
I have my OC12 with an FOC of March 15, 10 days ahead of my six weeks. I also have a lot of confidence in the ability to deliver it on time.
It took me awhile, but the part about being the squeaky wheel is very
joe true
accurate. Sucks, but that's the way it is.
Sorry for posting so much today. Ahem. Last One.
-- Martin Hannigan hannigan@fugawi.net Fugawi Networks Engineering Boston, MA http://www.fugawi.net Ph: 617.742.2693 Fax: 617.742.2300