On Thu, 29 May 1997 23:14:36 -0400 (EDT), Jamie Rishaw wrote:
uDNS mail. Hit D now.
Kind of like "Intel Inside". <grin>
Yup, until next week when we get the new box up. Why? Run out of pee-cee's for your little isp? Or do you have to wait until your buddy gets hired at his new ISP so you can move the quake server?
No, I've spent all my time recently responding to email. <grin> Seriously, I have two boxes sitting ithe corner of the server room, waiting for me to load Linux on them...
Hmm... the name.boot file has it set off. I'll check it out. Somehow I fear putting my DNS in the hands of someone who says "Hmm..." over a named.boot file.
What do you say when reading one over that isn't doing quite what you had in mind, "hoho!"?
Seriously, our schedule calls for 5 dedicated, non-recursive servers up by next week this time, with T1 of better connectivity. "Oh, we'll have quadruple this Real Soon Now(tm). We decided that it was a Good Thing to release this project with a crappy server and crappy links.. but honest.. we're fixing it!"
Our root server operators got uppidy and shut down the zone as of a couple hours from now, we didn't have a whole lot of time to "get it right" :-(
We plan full RFC2010 by the time we reach 5% visibility. So.. never, right?
I dont get it. Why wait until later to do things _right_?
Oh, we will probably be RFC2010 in a month or two, but until we have serious hits happening, we aren't too worried about it. More important things need to be resolved in our operations. Come on over to the udns list and lend a hand. :-) Take care, Ron