As it happens, I've just recently turned up a peering circuit with PSL in Houston, and their senior engineer is clue++ Naturally, he's on vacation this week, but [Aaron] ping me unicast if I might be able to assist/lend eyeballs/make an introduction of you guys next week. --Adam On 11/9/20, 8:05 AM, "NANOG on behalf of Tim Burke" <nanog-bounces+ak=mid.net@nanog.org on behalf of tim@mid.net> wrote: I'm amazed you can get *anything* to work with Logix involved. Haven't heard of many issues with PSLightwave in Houston, however... they seem to be one of the only halfway decent options here. On 11/6/20 2:57 PM, aaron1@gvtc.com wrote: > My coworker is having similar issues with PS Lightwave and Alpheus/Logix > from San Antonio to Houston whereas some things work and somethings don't > > -Aaron > >