At 12:47 AM 5/21/97 CDT, Joseph T. Klein wrote:
I belive it will take a volunteer effort ...
--- On Wed, 21 May 1997 00:56:00 -0400 (EDT) Todd Graham Lewis <lists@reflections.eng.mindspring.net> wrote:
Yeah ... the stuff you can hardly see between the flames. We need a few people to gleen the list and turn it into a web page.
http://www.cctec.com/maillists/nanog I don't douse the flame wars, however, it is searchable and is a complete history, so you can search around the bombs. Updated nightly... Eric ============================================================================ ==== Eric Germann Computer and Communications Technologies ekgermann@cctec.com Van Wert, OH 45891 Phone: 419 968 2640 http://www.cctec.com Fax: 419 968 2641 Network Design, Connectivity & System Integration Services A Microsoft Solution Provider